Yirego Drumi 2019 Year End Update!

Dear Drumi Supporters,
As we say farewell to 2019, let’s take a moment to appreciate the past year. 2019 has been the most pivotal year in Yirego’s history. We completed 4 production run and assembled enough inventory to fulfill pre-orders from 2015-2019. With each production run, we continued to improve the assembly process and successfully ramp up production at high volumes.

Our delivery and logistics systems continued to improve throughout the year. In 2018, we begin delivery to Canada and the US. In 2019, we managed to deliver to over 25 Countries!
We are truly excited for 2020 because in January we will prepare stock to warehouses in Canada, the US, Europe, and Asia. New customers will not need to wait for months before delivery, rather the product will be shipped out within days!

Drumi is now a global product. Despite the doubts we received during product development and production, we delivered our promise.
We are very pleased to hear so many of you have benefited because of Drumi. Please share your photo and experience with us on our website, social media or to support@yirego.com.
Our main objectives in 2019 was to focus on mass production and quality control. Since production is now stabilized and optimized, we will dedicate more resources to customer care in the future. We look forward to improve our communication with you in the New Year. Thank you for your patience and understanding during Drumi production ramp up.
We wish you a season of joy and look forward to serve you better in 2020!